Fiction E-Books

Mini-Sagas for the Mind by Barry Galvin: Can you really tell a story in 50 words? The first book of mini-sagas that really challenges the mind. Barry G. Galvin brings you into the world of the mini-saga with this wonderful collection of fifty, fifty-word thought-provoking stories.

Jesus in Chicago by Jack Brackitt: This modern adaptation of the Gospel retains the original chapters and verses, but it replaces Jerusalem with Chicago, moves the timeline up to present day, and modernizes the language.
Mom Letters, by Jack Brackitt: This comedy novel reports on a Chicago family’s life in one year. It’s funny, but not insipid. Well, maybe it's three percent insipid. Anyway, there’s a lot about living in Chicago -- what it’s like to ride an L train, walk through the Loop, eat at hole-in-the-wall restaurants, etc. If you like Chicago and kids, you’ll really like Mom Letters.
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9 Short Stories (PDF) written by Marcus Clark set in Australia. Some are amusing, some serious, but all easy to read and enjoyable. 
A Mother's Day Tale: Author(s): LB Anderson and Chase Bradshaw, Genre: Fiction/Erotic, Summary: It is the year 2044 and life couldn't be better for Cameron. He'd been accepted by one of the most prestigious Bioengineering College in the country, he had the best of friends and his grandparents were absolutely wonderful. However...he still felt something was missing. Cameron hadn't seen his mother since he was seven, so when he decides to seek her out he discovers she'd been living another life...One...that didn't include him. (Please be warned: This e-book contains same-sex material)
Digital Jambalaya: A Serving of Imaginative Tales (PDF): a collection of novel excerpts and original short stories by bestselling sci-fi and horror authors Steven Barnes, Tananarive Due, and Brandon Massey.
A Karmic Journey: Arun's spiritual journey brings forth revelations of a past life and answers for restless soul....
The Guide (PDF): a story about a writer writing a story, telling you the story the writer writes plus what he is thinking. Quite funny, always good for a laugh.
Coffee by Samuel Plahetka. A strange e-book, with a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor. No mainstream publisher would accept, though they all seemed to like it. It has lesbians, kidnapping, a futuristic world, and coffee addiction.
Autumn: It's a brutal and unnerving horror novel dealing with the last few survivors in a world torn apart by disease. Close your eyes and spend a few minutes thinking about your family, your friends, your home, your possessions, your career and everything else that means anything to you. Now imagine it all gone. No explanations. No warnings. Nothing. Picture your entire world turned upside down and twisted beyond all recognition in seconds. It didn't happen yesterday and it hasn't happened so far today, but what about tomorrow? Autumn - a Night of the Living Dead for the 21st Century. A dark and thought provoking horror novel - read the entire story on-line now.
The Party: from author/screenwriter William F. Nolan's new collection DARK UNIVERSE.
Sun Dog Stories: A collection of mystery novels, children's stories and more
The Adventures of the Rainbow Sword by Howard Thompson (fantasy fiction.)
The Suffering of Being Kafka : A second volume of Hebrew short stories by Shmuel (Sam) Vaknin
Practising Howling: A collection of Poetry from by Anthony Weir.
The Lost World (PDF) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- published by Classic eBooks.
War of the Worlds (PDF) by H.G. Wells -- published by Classic eBooks.
One Day in three sixty-five (PDF) by Anne LD French. Using the human body as the back drop to the stories, the story is literally that - the story from the inside and what happens if we were to imagine what our body would be thinking on Christmas Day...


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