Body and Spirit E-Books

NAD Therapy! Too Good to be True?
Extracts from the Foreword by Dr Abram Hoffer: (Honoured by the Institute for Functional Medicine as one of the 5 pioneers of the new medicine for the 21st Century)

"I congratulate Theo Verwey and his colleagues for this remarkable advance in formulating the EMD concept and in using two simple blood tests the lactate and pyruvate, and especially the ratio of pyruvate to lactate (Energy Value I) as diagnostic measures, to indicate the dose, duration of NAD Therapy etc. I realize that he has made a very complete review of the literature. For instance, not many know about our 1960 studies with oral NAD".

"When the clinical founded Energy Values based on the lactate and pyruvate blood tests and the NAD Therapy protocols outlined in NAD Therapy! Too Good to be True? are emperically confirmed there will be an enormous change in modern psychiatry. It will mark the retirement of the present psychiatric paradigm which can be best described as a system which uses descriptive diagnostic terms which have no causal or treatment relevance. The new system will depend upon laboratory tests to determine where the error in the metabolism of the body lies and will indicate which nutrients should be used to correct that error".

"For these reasons I consider the information in NAD Therapy! Too Good to be True? so valuable and important and I fully expect to see the corroboration of this work world wide once it becomes known to the medical profession and even more when the general public of sick people and their families hear about it". A. Hoffer, MD PhD FRCP(C),
Victoria, British Columbia, April 2002

Healthy Living for a Busy Family: compliments of, is filled with over 100 pages of health recipes, health and weightloss information, and time-saving nutritional tips and ideas for busy families.
Health-Related ebooks available through the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.
Quit Smoking With Confidence by Len Johnson
Health Pop Quiz
Baby Tips for New Parents: everything from preparing to bring your new baby home to adjusting to your new role as a parent.
Free Beauty Tips eBook: Homemade cosmetics, hair care recipes, spa style baths, acne treatments, weight loss tips, smoothie recipes, homemade face masks and cleansers.
Comprehensive Hair Removal Guide: Over 250 answers, tips, how-to instructions on 9 hair removal methods to help you get the best results from the method you choose.
The Principle, It Carries the Power to Change Our Destiny: reveals the secrets to one of the most transformational principles within our universe. This principle is the great multiplier. It takes anything and makes it more. It literally expands it. It forms a bridge to the world of abundance. It brings light to the darkest corners of our lives. It frees us from the prison of our mind, and it’s possibly the greatest healer of our sorrows. If your life seems unfulfilled in any way, this new e-book holds the secret to a richer life.
Inner Light, Outer Wealth: ebook on spiritual growth.
Tame Your Brain
Motivating Tips


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