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 VB and VB.Net E-Books

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Visual Basic.NET Language in a Nutshell


VB .NET Language in a Nutshell, 1st Edition.pdf

Advance VB6

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VB6 Database How To..

VSKeystrokes.txt... 3.2k Visual Studio net keystroke listing.

WhatsNewVB_NET.txt... 10k What's new in VB.net article.

navigVB6.zip... 154k Blind Tutorial for Navigating VB6, including improved scripts for Jaws 4.51 and Jaws 3.7u. The tool box is fixed.

Liberty Basic... [site] A very low cost, easy to use, small, Windows BASIC implementation.

LB302DOC.ZIP... 173k Text-based documentation for the Liberty Basic compiler.

MCSDVB6SG.zip... 291k MCSD Visual Basic 6 Desktop Applications Study Guide.

VB6Keystrokes.txt... 28k Comprehensive list of keystrokes in Visual Basic 6.

vb6dummies.zip... 170k Great tutorial for Visual Basic beginners--extracts to 592k!

VS-net_tips.txt... 3k Tips on configuring and using Visual Studio.net with JAWS.

DirectX8.zip... 434k Visual Basic Game programming with Direct X v8.

Basic tutor... (link) A manual on how to program in BASIC on Blazie notetakers.

VB Users List... (link) Subscribe to a Visual Basic discussion list

VB-Web-Directory.com... Visual Basic Web Directory--A free online directory featuring thousands of Visual Basic web resources. Visitors can browse by topic or search with keywords.

VBWM.com... Visual Basic Web Magazine--Presents users with a vast array of info including news articles, software and hardware resources, a message board, newsgroups, tips, and links.

GeoCities.com... Visual Basic Ring--Provides a listing of dozens of independent sites which are dedicated to coding Visual Basic, software applications, news, and resources.

VB-Zone.com... Visual Basic Zone--Join discussions or get programming advice from Visual Basic professionals for this resource. Browse the tip of the day or read product reviews.

VBI.org... Visual Basic Instinct--Potent Visual Basic programmer's resource offers tips, tricks, and advice as well as a large reading list and library.

vb12lessons.zip... 339k Visual Basic in 12 easy lessons (HTML).

SP5readme_enu.exe... 107k Readme file for the Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 5 Download.

SP5 link... Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 5 - Download url.

CodeHound... Web site devoted to VB code. Module available that will add to ToolBar of Visual Basic IDE for quick access!

statkeys.txt... 4k MKB article on toggling status keys (Num, Scroll, and Caps Lock) using Visual Basic.

vb6tutor.zip... 82k Turner's Visual Basic Tutorial from a sighted professional.

vb6tut120.zip... 314k Daubenmire's Visual Basic V6 Tutorial, complete with JFW3.3x Scripts.

vb5tut101.zip... 28k Daubenmire's Visual Basic V5 Tutorial, complete with JFW3.3x Scripts.

Daubenmire's Visual Basic Online Tutorial on the Menu Editor...

BeginVB.zip... 40k Gary Beene's excellent Beginner Visual Basic tutorial!

IntermediateVB.zip... 40k Gary Beene's excellent Intermediate Visual Basic tutorial!

CodeLib.zip... 186k Gary Benne's Code Library of copy/paste VB code samples that you can use in your own apps.

activex.zip... 673k Visual Basic Language's ActiveX reference and DataAccess Guide.

vb-ref.zip... 831k Visual Basic Language Reference, including Objects, Functions, Statements, Methods, Properties, etc. A little over 3mb when extracted.

vb-users.zip... 523k Getting Started, User's Manuals, etc.

vb4use.zip... Using Visual Basic 4

vb5data.zip... 442k Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic 5 in 21 Days

vb5hours.zip... 215k Teach Yourself Visual Basic 5 in 24 Hours.

vb6use.zip... Using Visual Basic version 6.

vb5web.zip... 442k Web Programming and Development with Visual Basic

vb6howto.zip... 427k Waite Group's Visual Basic 6 Database How-To

Visual Basic Resources... Links to many, many Visual Basic-related resources!